
von TRForge-Team


Wie jedes Jahr am 24. Dezember haben wir heute wieder einiges für euch: Angefangen bei Wettbewerbsinfos, über neue Objekte für Levelbauer bishin zu einem Angel of Darkness - Roman, den ihr bestimmt noch nicht kennt. ;)
Klickt am besten auf die entsprechenden Bilder, um mehr zu erfahren. :)

Die schönsten Einsendungen

Wieder einmal haben wir viele fantastische Einsendungen zu unserem Adventscontest zugeschickt bekommen - die besten werden hier nun gewürdigt.

Tag 1

DJ Full




Tag 4


Tag 5


... schaffte es als einziger 95% zu erreichen!

Tag 6

DJ Full

- a failed closeup on the drawn picture, which is actually a Mayan calendar for 2013, hopefully begging their gods to change their mind.

Tag 7


Tag 8


Yes, the good ole' days! Everybody I've spoke to about Tomb Raider said they were to scared to finish levels which including me. I'll never understand why although, facing a huge T-Rex in a dark valley might've been why... Anyway, It's funny because my parents told me that when I was four, my father use to sit me on his lap whilst he played Tomb Raider 1. I use to grab at the controller trying to controller only killing her by running her off a ledge. What fascinated me about her was not her enormous... no... it wasn't those but I'd admit they did get a little distracting as a kid, but her ability to hold herself especially as a woman. She was a strong independent woman to be exact but who am I to speak as I'm a young man. It's just; she's been the very first heroin in my life. To answer the last question, the day I saw Lara attacking the dogs that attacked her guide was the day I was officially hooked and while I may not show it every day, Lara Croft is the image of a true adventurer.


Ganz genau weiß ich nicht mehr, wann ich zum ersten Mal Tomb Raider gespielt habe, aber das erste Spiel war Tomb Raider 3. Genau wie cybie hatte ich zunächst nur das Zuhause-Level gespielt.
Ich erinnere mich noch genau, wie lange ich gebraucht habe, den Timerun in den Keller zu bewältigen - es war eine große Genugtuung, endlich das Quad fahren zu dürfen, ich bin stundenlang durch die Rennstrecke gegurkt. Irgendwann habe ich auch angefangen, die Dschungel-Level und später durch all die verschiedenen Orte zu spielen - großartige Atmosphäre, tolle Gegner, viele lustige fahrbare Untersätze. Damals hatte jeder einzelne Ort eine gewisse Magie, die ich heute nur sehr, sehr selten erlebe, selbst bei den besten Customlevels kaum. Jeden einzelnen Feind habe ich auf mehrere Arten getötet (was vor allem später, als ich als zweites Spiel TR 2 gespielt habe, im Kloster Barkhang zu stundenlangem Kampf gegen ein und dieselbe Gruppe von Feinden (meistens die Gruppe am Anfang) ausgeartet ist). und ich habe oft Levels mehrmals hintereinander gespielt. Zu der CD gab es kostenlos das Lösungsbuch dazu - irgendeine Aktion glaube ich - und es war mein treuer Begleiter durch das ganze Spiel, denn damals schon konnte ich es nicht wirklich ertragen, Geheimnisse oder sogar normale Pickups zu verpassen, weshalb ich für jedes klassische TR das Lösungsbuch gekauft habe und was bis heute so geblieben ist - bei den mehrstündigen Customlevels kann ich kaum ein neues Level beginnen, wenn ich im vorherigen nicht alle Secrets gefunden habe.
Insgesamt fand ich jedes Level auf seine eigene Weise großartig, und diese Magie hat mich dazu verleitet, jedes TR x-mal durchzuspielen und bis heute süchtig zu bleiben ;).

DJ Full



It was a cold, dark night. And many after, while a man covered in shadows of the library room tried to put the PC together, for it to work properly. He could barely understand what must be done. His son, so young he didn't even care what it was all about - as these days, he had other friends: open space, fresh air and miles walked through - came into the room. Everything was in a mess, or in some kind of arrangement only familiar to the father. With light coming just from a lamp self-made of a tin-can, it seemed to be rather a dismal crypt rather than a room, inside which the father raised his head.
- I found something - he said and opened the configuration folder for the graphic card. There was a small winzip package, apparently with a game demo applied to show possibilities of the graphic card.
"- Tomb Raider 2" - the son read the inscription.
The two launched the program, figured out the main menu and, after a dozen seconds the loading took, they saw a woman on a little harbor between candy bar poles, surrounded by water, and facing a huge door in the wall. I put my hand on the keyboard, but it was too late.
- Watch out, the rat is biting you! - my dad warned me, what resulted in panic run, finished by the main heroine possibly being killed by an unfortunate bullet of the balcony shooter, but rather just beaten to death by a stick guy coming out of the corridor - I can't clearly remember which of those two, as both were possible - but finally, we managed to draw weapons...

Download (9 kB)

Mein erstes Spiel war das Tomb-Raider-1 Spiel. Es war das erste Spiel, bei dem ich mich persönlich in das Spiel einbezogen bzw. sogar eingesogen fühlte. Vorher begeisterten mich auch solche Spiele wie Tetris, Commander Keen oder Prince of Persia. Ich habe dann auch alle Spiele bis Tomb-Raider-5 gespielt. Die neueren Versionen konnten mich dann nicht mehr begeistern.

Dann entdeckte ich irgendwann die von ganz normalen Leuten entwickelten und kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellten Spiele. Damals noch im Besitz eines trägen Modus, bei dem 9 MB mindesten 45 Minuten Downloadzeit bedeuteten, musste mir mein Sohn mit seinem Internet die größeren Spiele herunterladen und auf CD brennen.
Ich habe jedes — nun gut fast jedes Spiel — bewundert und immer mit Hochachtung an die Entwickler gedacht.

Im Jahre 2009 packte mich die Lust den Levelbau zu realisieren. Dank der Hilfe von anderen Levelbauern, der Levelbauanleitung und natürlich der zur Verfügung gestellten Instrumente gelang mir mein erstes doch noch recht einfach gebautes Spiel.
Mittlerweile macht mir der Levelbau viel Spaß und ich freue mich, wenn auch andere Spieler Spaß am Spiel haben.
Bewunderung habe ich nach wie vor für einige perfekte Levelbauer, die einfach Superlevel bauen.


Here's my story. It was the autumn of '98 when my girlfriend at the time started to play TR2. I have heard about this "Lara game" before that of course, where you play with this chick with large tits, so I figured it must a game for wankers and I ignored it until then. But when she started playing, her name was Nora btw, and soon enough there came some stuck moments where my help was needed, but to be able to help I had to learn the game too, and I liked what I saw. So I started playing, I was terrible at it at first, as The Great Wall is about as tough a first level as you can get, but then caught up and we played simultaneously, we had our own set of savegames, etc. I went out and bought my copy too, along with TR1, and the guy who sold them told me that by the time I finish with these two, the 3rd game will be out, that's why I remember when it was.
And that's what happened, we played through TR1, TR2 again, and TR3 together. And a year later TR4 as well. Unfortunately we broke up by Chronicles, but I kept following the series.
What I really liked about it is that I could totally immerse into the game world, it gives you the "being there" experience, my original reservations toward the game proved unjustified. I didn't even notice Lara as a character until the cut-scene at the end of the level, it was ME struggling through those traps and stuff, not an avatar whom I just controlled. And even in the cut-scene I very much liked her witty, cheeky, independent, self confident personality. Then came Venice, enormous fun with the motorboat, and that music, essentially it was in Venice where I fell in love with this game, and TR2 remains my favorite ever since.


My TR Story:

In November 2004, my cousin gave me a copy of a game called Tomb Raider III. I was vaguely aware of the existence of such a game, but had never given it much thought. I wasn't much of a gamer either. I had played a few games over the years, but I never thought of it as a hobby or anything like that. That is, until I met Lara Croft. When I first started TR III, I had literally no idea what to do or how to do it. With a bit of guidance from my cousin, I managed to get Lara to move around, but I was still mostly lost until he explained to me the concept of a ‘walkthrough’. Then I Googled ‘Tomb Raider walkthrough’, found Stella's TR site, and continued my journey into the TR world with renewed confidence. The next 2-3 weeks, I spent in equal parts of extreme enjoyment and extreme frustration, until Lara finally found herself a helicopter to escape from Antarctica. Then, I pressed ‘New Game’ and started that journey all over again … two more times!

Over the next 2 years I managed to get hold of the rest of the games in the series slowly, and played and replayed them all quickly, and longed for more. I even downloaded the demos at work and played them early in the mornings before my boss came in! Lara and TR were driving obsessions for me — I spent most of my time playing the games or, after 2006, discussing them on various forums, especially tombraiderforums.com, a situation that still hasn't changed all that much till today.

It's not so much Lara herself that fascinates me now &mash; though she is certainly an intriguing woman — but the games themselves are my focus. Now, of course, I consider ‘the games’ to include the nearly 200 custom levels that I have played over the years. Not to mention, the levels I have built or plan to build. The TR world for me is no longer simply a game, but a community and a creative new hobby. What more could I ask for?!


It all started at the end of 1998: they were talking about PlayStation games in a TV show and since we only had a PlayStation back then I was very interested in the games they presented and recommended. Among them was a shooting/treasure hunting game that caught my attention because of a pretty protagonist girl, and apart from shooting I could also do different acrobatic jumps with her plus you had to use your brain during that game. Of course they did mention that it is a very challenging adventure. Finally, they announced the name of the game: it was the Tomb Raider 3. The very next day we rented it out - and from then on there was no stopping… We were "struggling" with it until we could finish it: it took us more months for the first time. Then, came the TR1-2, and joining the series in '99 we were waiting for the TR-4, etc…

The characteristic appearance of Lara caught me straight away, her style, the game (which could not be any better back then), the sounds, the music - everything. It is just perfect the way it is. As I was growing up I got caught up more and more in the world of the Tomb Raider, and one day I realized that the TR became one of my "reasons to live"…

Tag 9

DJ Full

There You go, that was harder than any task so far... Ouch, my aching back...

Tag 11


I have compared textures, flora and fauna of the real Angkor Wat, Cambodia to their counterparts in the second Cambodia level in TR4, Race for the Iris.

Tag 13

DJ Full

Hey there.
An attachment is again provided in the message, recalling seven TR2 objects that ended up either most stuck inside my memory or outside the logic.
Or both.


Test report:

Download (526 kB)

Tag 15


Tag 16

DJ Full

Finally... That took much more than it should, interrupted twice with a let's-play, twice with handicraft and once with a tutorial. In the end it generally seems those tasks which were in the MIDDLE of the calendar appear as last ones...




Tag 18

DJ Full

I'm submitting a screenshot of the finished trollingball factory.


Tag 20


Tag 21


DJ Full

Hello there, folks. The thing is finally ready. I remember I wanted to do a classic TR2-like pitch black surroundings, but when the lighting made some progress, a temporarily used Greek horizon started to fit the scenery. So it remains where it was. Here You go:


Tag 22


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