Tutorial (part 2)by uranos1 / Translations by Codo, CuahianoSmall, Soul |
Peaceful CharactersAnd now the conclusion of the tutorial from december 10th: Index2. GuidesThe following are suited as guides: The GUIDE, a human character with a torch, that he can use to light things. VON_CROY, another human character, who has got various animations and thus can follow Lara also into more challenging areas. The ENEMY_JEEP, a vehicle that you can control, but that hasn’t got so many special movements or actions however. To control all of these you can’t use anything but the AI_FOLLOW. All other AI-objects will be ignored or will lead to a weird behaviour of the guide. You set them up in three steps:
2.1. ENEMY_JEEP2.1.1. Defining the routeFirst,
You should also take into account waypoints at which the ENEMY_JEEP is meant to pause. It can only stop at points with AI_FOLLOWs, never in between. Once all of them have been placed, you must number them serially by adding a number in the OCB of the AI_FOLLOW. The AI_FOLLOW where the ENEMY_JEEP starts and the first that he is driving to must have the same number. As for the ENEMY_JEEP, you should always start numbering from -2. So, it’s -2 for the AI_FOLLOW under the ENEMY_JEEP, also -2 for the first, -1 for the next one, then 0, 1, 2, and so on. Otherwise the jeep won’t work properly and just drive around mindlessly. It’s important that there are no further AI_FOLLOWs having the same numbers in the whole level, because the AI will get mixed up and the ENEMY_JEEP won’t know where to drive. This means: If you already used an AI_FOLLOW on real enemies or friends, for example on the HORSEMAN, you should choose numbers for them that you won’t choose for the ENEMY_JEEP. This would work best using a very high number for the HORSEMAN, like 500. 2.1.2. Special actionsThis one has only got one action: At spots where it is meant to stop, codebit <2> must be activated for the AI_FOLLOW. He will only brake at these spots and, thus, stop. 2.1.3. Control the progressOf course, you can let the ENEMY_JEEP drive a short passage only. Usually, he is meant to show a longer way to Lara and to escort her. For this purpose, it’s necessary that it pauses and waits from time to time so that Lara wouldn’t lose track of it. And that it moves on once she’s near enough. To control how far it drives and where it waits, you have flipeffect 30 triggers. The ENEMY_JEEP can be already seen before it’s been triggered. It hits the road when triggered or when Lara gets into the JEEP. Then, it drives until the next AI_FOLLOW that has codebit <2> activated. And also after this one, he will always only stop at AI_FOLLOWs that have codebit <2> activated, as for all others, he will just move on. To make it move on once it has stopped, flipeffect 30 has to be activated. So you click on Object in the Trigger Menu and set the trigger to Flipeffect. Enter 30 into the field next to it. Now, very important, the timer: type in the number of the AI_FOLLOW to which our dear friend is meant to drive to. So if you type in 4, it will drive until the AI_FOLLOW that has a 4 in its OCB and be waiting there. Now you still have to place the trigger. Normally, you place it near the last point where the ENEMY_JEEP was waiting so it will move on as soon as Lara gets nearer. You can also trigger the flipeffect by a lever that opens a door it is waiting in front of. It’s not necessary to place flipeffect 30 triggers for all AI_FOLLOWs. You can skip some without any problems. If, for example, the ENEMY_JEEP waits at AI_FOLLOW 4, the next flipeffect 30 trigger can also be placed with a 10 in the timer field. When this one gets activated, the ENEMY_JEEP will slide over the AI_FOLLOWs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, drive directly to number 10, and wait there again. You should consider though that it only works forward. When a flipeffect 30 trigger with a 10 in the timer field was activated, the ENEMY_JEEP will try to get to AI_FOLLOW 10. That’s also true when there is a flipeffect 30 with number 8 activated afterwards. Once flipeffect 30 for number 10 has been activated, it won’t pause at number 8 anymore. The same is even true for level changes when there is one ENEMY_JEEP in the first level and another one in the second. For the flipeffect 30s are globally valid within a whole level series. When a flipeffect 30 with a 10 in the timer field gets activated in one level, the ENEMY_JEEPs will also drive until AI_FOLLOW 10 in all following levels. So you must either begin to number from a higher number in the following level or you must make use of RESETHUB on a level change so everything gets reset. 2.2. GUIDE2.2.1. Defining the routeThe
You should also provide for points on which a specific animation is meant to be triggered, for example to switch a lever or to jump, because there must be placed an AI_FOLLOW in each case. The same is for spots where the character is meant to stop. You can only make him pause on squares that have an AI_FOLLOW, never in between. Once all have been placed, all there’s left to do is to number them by each entering a number into the OCB of the AI_FOLLOW. At this, the AI_FOLLOW under the GUIDE and the first where to go to must always have the same number. After these two, you number them continuously increasing by 1. You shouldn’t leave one number out on this. However, the number you start with quite doesn’t matter. You usually start counting from 0, but you can start from 78 just as well. This is particularly relevant when you want to bring several GUIDEs into action. It is important there are no more AI_FOLLOWs using the same numbers in the whole level, or otherwise the AI will get mixed up and the character won’t know where to go. This means: If you already used an AI_FOLLOW on real enemies, for example on the HORSEMAN, you should choose numbers for them that you won’t choose for the GUIDE. This would work best choosing a very high number for the HORSEMAN, like 500. 2.2.2. Special actionsWell, the GUIDE cannot only walk around but also perform particular actions to support Lara. In order to define when to execute these, you use the codebits in the AI_FOLLOWs. If various codebits in one AI_FOLLOW are activated, the guide will do a particular action at this point. You should consider though that the flat end of the AI_FOLLOW nullmesh object always goes ahead. The direction the AI_FOLLOW is turned to is not important for squares he is passing only. On specific actions, like activating levers, you should turn the AI_FOLLOW into the direction toward the switch. The guide can trigger heavy triggers on almost all actions if placed under the AI_FOLLOW.
2.2.3. Controlling the progressOf course, you can let the GUIDE walk a short way only. He usually must show a longer way to Lara and escort her. For this purpose, it’s necessary that he pauses from time to time and waits so that Lara wouldn’t lose track of him. And that he moves on once she’s near enough. To control how far he walks and where he waits, you have flipeffect 30 triggers. After being triggered, the GUIDE will walk to the first AI_FOLLOW that has codebit <5> activated. There he will pick up the torch to light it and begin to wait. He will just pass all previous AI_FOLLOWs without to stop. But once he’s got the torch, he can stop at any desired AI_FOLLOW. To make him move on, flipeffect 30 has to be activated. So you click on Object in the Trigger Menu and set the trigger to Flipeffect. Enter 30 into the field. Now, very important, the timer: type in the number of the AI_FOLLOW to which our dear friend is meant to go to. So if you type in 4, the GUIDE will go until the AI_FOLLOW that has a 4 in its OCB and be waiting there. Now you still have to place the trigger. Normally, you place him near the last point where he was waiting so he will move on as soon as Lara gets nearer. You can also trigger the flipeffect by a lever that opens a door he is waiting in front of. It’s not necessary to place flipeffect 30 triggers for all AI_FOLLOWs. You can skip some without any problems. If, for example, the guide waits at AI_FOLLOW 4, the next flipeffect 30 trigger can also be placed with a 10 in the timer field. When this one gets activated, the GUIDE will slide over the AI_FOLLOWs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and go directly to number 10, again waiting there. You should consider though that it only works forward. When a flipeffect 30 trigger with a 10 in the timer field was activated, the GUIDE will try to get to AI_FOLLOW 10. That’s also true when there is a flipeffect 30 with number 8 activated afterwards. Once flipeffect 30 for number 10 has been activated, he won’t pause at number 8 anymore. The same is even true for level changes when there is one the GUIDE in the first level and another one in the second. For the flipeffect 30s are globally valid within a whole level series. When a flipeffect 30 with a 10 in the timer field gets activated in one level, the GUIDEs (or VON_CROYs) will go until AI_FOLLOW 10 in all following levels, too. So you must either start numbering from a higher number in the following level or you must make use of RESETHUB on a level change so everything gets reset. But it’s important to mind the order in which the flipeffect 30s can be triggered when there’s only one guide in the level. When the GUIDE must wait, for example, in front of a door that is closed, there shouldn’t be a flipeffect 30 behind the door that Lara can trigger until the door is open. For he will only mindlessly run against the closed door otherwise. There are three ways to solve this problem:
2.3. VON_CROY2.3.1. Defining the routeThe
You should also provide for points on which a specific animation is meant to be triggered, for example to switch a lever or to jump, because there must be placed an AI_FOLLOW in each case. The same is for spots where the character is meant to stop. You can only make him pause on squares that have an AI_FOLLOW, never in between. Once all have been placed, all there’s left to do is to number them by each entering a number into the OCB of the AI_FOLLOW. Thereby, the AI_FOLLOW under VON_CROY and the first where to go to must always have the same number. After these two, you number them continuously increasing by 1. You shouldn’t leave one number out on this. However, the number you start with quite doesn’t matter. You usually start counting from 0, but you can start from any other number. However, if you want to insert special sequences in which he is meant to talk to Lara, you must use particular numbers. In this case you can’t choose the number to start from that freely. It is important there are no more AI_FOLLOWs using the same numbers in the whole level, or otherwise the AI will get mixed up and the character won’t know where to go. This means: If you already used an AI_FOLLOW on real enemies, for example on the HORSEMAN, you should choose numbers for them that you won’t choose for VON_CROY. This would work best choosing a very high number for the HORSEMAN, like 500. 2.3.2. Special actionsWell, VON_CROY cannot only walk around but also perform particular actions to support Lara. He has even got more movements than the GUIDE. In order to define when to execute these, you use the codebits in the AI_FOLLOWs. If various codebits in one AI_FOLLOW are activated, VON_CROY will do a particular action at this point. You should consider though that the flat end of the AI_FOLLOW nullmesh object always goes ahead. The direction the AI_FOLLOW is turned to is not important for squares he is passing only. On specific actions, like activating levers, you should turn the AI_FOLLOW into the direction toward the switch. He can trigger heavy triggers on almost all actions if placed under the AI_FOLLOW.
2.3.3. Flipeffect 45There’s another special feature on VON_CROY. By dint of flipeffect 45, you can start little sequences in which he’s explaining something. For this, click on Object in the Trigger Menu to choose Flipeffect instead of Object as trigger. Type in number 45 behind it because it is meant to produce flipeffect 45. Now there is one other important thing: the timer value. It has been used for purposes other than intended, so it doesn’t trigger anything with delay, but defines the target of the flipeffect. You enter the number of the AI_FOLLOW that shall be affected here. Then place the trigger near the corresponding AI_FOLLOW so Lara can’t help but trigger it. It should be triggered by Lara at any rate, either directly per TRIGGER or also by a lever, but not per heavy by another object. You should mind that the effect only appears if VON_CROY hasn’t passed the AI_FOLLOW yet. That’s why you should make sure at all costs that he will pause there. Also, it doesn’t work for AI_FOLLOWs that have codebit <5> activated. When flipeffect 45 is activated, the following happens:
2.3.4. Controlling the progressOf course, you can let VON_CROY walk a short way only. He usually must show a longer way to Lara and escort her. For this purpose, it’s necessary that he pauses from time to time and waits so that Lara wouldn’t lose track of him. And that he moves on once she’s near enough. To control how far he walks and where he waits, you have flipeffect 30 triggers. In the first instance, VON_CROY will walk to the first AI_FOLLOW and wait there until he is made moving on by a flipeffect 30. He can pause at almost every AI_FOLLOW, except for those that have codebit <5> activated. To make him move on, flipeffect 30 has to be activated. So you click on Object in the Trigger Menu and set the trigger to Flipeffect. Enter 30 into the field. Now, very important, the timer: type in the number of the AI_FOLLOW to which our dear friend is meant to go to. So if you type in 4, VON_CROY will go until the AI_FOLLOW that has a 4 in its OCB and be waiting there. Now you still have to place the trigger. Normally, you place him near the last point where he was waiting so he will move on as soon as Lara gets nearer. You can also trigger the flipeffect by a lever that opens a door he is waiting in front of. It’s not necessary to place flipeffect 30 triggers for all AI_FOLLOWs. You can skip some without any problems. If, for example, the guide waits at AI_FOLLOW 4, the next flipeffect 30 trigger can also be placed with a 10 in the timer field. When this one gets activated, the GUIDE will slide over the AI_FOLLOWs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and go directly to number 10, again waiting there. You should consider though that it only works forward. When a flipeffect 30 trigger with a 10 in the timer field was activated, VON_CROY will try to get to AI_FOLLOW 10. That’s also true when there is a flipeffect 30 with number 8 activated afterwards. Once flipeffect 30 for number 10 has been activated, he won’t pause at number 8 anymore. The same is even true for level changes when there is one VON_CROY in the first level and another one in the second. For the flipeffect 30s are globally valid within a whole level series. When a flipeffect 30 with a 10 in the timer field gets activated in one level, the VON_CROYs will go until AI_FOLLOW 10 in all following levels, too. So you must either start numbering from a higher number in the following level or you must make use of RESETHUB on a level change so everything gets reset. It’s important to mind the order in which the flipeffect 30s can be triggered. When VON_CROY must wait, for example, in front of a door that is closed, there shouldn’t be a flipeffect 30 behind the door that Lara can trigger until the door is open. For he will only mindlessly run against the closed door otherwise. There are three ways to solve this problem:
2.4. Several guides in one levelIt’s also possible to have several GUIDEs and/or VON_CROYs in one level. Since no number must be used twice for the entity of AI_FOLLOWs, you must number them differently. As for the ENEMY_JEEP you can only start numbering from -2, so having one ENEMY_JEEP in one level is the maximum. As for the GUIDE and VON_CROY, you can also use other numbers. If a GUIDE is meant to appear before the ENEMY_JEEP does, you must use negative numbers for him. So you start, for example, from -40 and number consequently to -12. Then, on the last AI_FOLLOW, you will activate all codebits to make him disappear so he wouldn’t move on to the next AI_FOLLOW of the ENEMY_JEEP. If you should want to have any more GUIDEs or VON_CROYs in your level, you just use higher numbers for them, starting from 100 for one and 200 for the next one. Attention should be paid to the fact that flipeffect 30 triggers can only be used with numbers in ascending order. Once the flipeffect 30 trigger with a 104 in the timer field has been activated and the second GUIDE in the level is walking to his fourth waypoint, the GUIDE that started to walk from AI_FOLLOW 0 will also try to get to AI_FOLLOW 104. That’s also the case when another flipeffect 30 with number 8 in the field gets activated shortly after. Flipeffects of lower numbers have no more effects. That’s why, within a level, guides can used only in one specific order. For example, you can use a GUIDE with the numbers 0 to 34 and then use a VON_CROY with the numbers 50 to 72. By flipeffect 30 triggers, the GUIDE will always be sent until the last AI_FOLLOW of his route for which the codebits <1+2+3+4+5> should be activated so that he’ll disappear. After this, VON_CROY can be triggered. Since the last flipeffect 30 trigger had a 34 in the timer field, VON_CROY will stand still first, by dint of a flipeffect 30 trigger with a 53 in the timer field you can make him go to AI_FOLLOW number 53. No problem there. Problems will arise though if the player has an opportunity to trigger VON_CROY first. He will activate the flipeffect 30 trigger with the high numbers. If the GUIDE is triggered after that, he’ll try to get to the AI_FOLLOW with the last number where VON_CROY was at, and, hence, he will travel the whole route without stopping. Because of that, you should avoid such situations through your handy level design. The same is even true for level changes when one is in the first and the next one in the second level. For the flipeffect 30s are globally valid within a whole level series. When a flipeffect 30 with a 10 in the timer field gets activated in one level, the GUIDEs and VON_CROYs will go until AI_FOLLOW 10 in all following levels, too. So you must either begin to number with a higher number in the following level or you must make use of RESETHUB on a level change so everything gets reset. Information: This publication is intellectual property of the author and is therefore protected. The author reserves itself all rights. It is permit to store, to copy or to print the text for private purpose. A duplication, spreading, holding ready for download or on-line accessible making (assumption into another web page) of the work, the layout of the web page, other contents (e.g. pictures) totally or partly, in changed or unchanged form is permissible only after previous explicit agreement of the author. |