TRForge Adventskalender

Trigger Tutorial Part1

by uranos1 / Translations by Codo, Nutcake, Soul, TifaNazah

Tutorial: To Trigger for advanced learners


A trigger in the level editor - to recognize well by the violett color

The Triggers - engine of each level. With these doors will opened, enemys aroused to live and many puzzles created. To set a simple Trigger is quite easy, but woe you want it a bit more complex, then you get trouble and error messages. Because of this, this tutorial should help you to understand. And so allow you to build more complex riddles in your levels, without lots of distress.
The basics of triggering, how explained in the manual, should everyone recognize, before he startet with this tutorial. Here will be explained additional techniques.



Do not mistake Trigger for Tigger. That is this guy and he is spelled without the first R. ;-)

1. Triggertypes


A List of all Triggertypes of the level editor.

The trigger type determines under which circumstances a trigger gets activated. This can be adjusted in the trigger menu. If you click on the word "trigger" a dropdown menu appears, where you can choose other trigger types.

On every square you can only change the trigger type on one trigger. For all other triggers, the adjustment must stay “trigger.” You can learn more about it in the last chapter of the second part.

So far things should be clear. Now an explanation of the different trigger types follows. Such a one can be found in the manual, too, but it is partially incorrect or incomplete.

This is the standard trigger. It gets activated, if Lara crosses this square. It does not matter, in which high altitude this happens. It always gets activated, whether she craws, jumps, moves hand over hand or swims. This trigger type can only activate objects.
This trigger type gets activated by Lara, too, but only if she touches the ground. It does not get activated if Lara jumps over it. This trigger type can only activate objects.
This trigger type works with all types of switches. For this purpose one trigger has to be created for the associated switch with the adjustment “switch.” All the other triggers that get activated by the switch get stacked on it. Furthermore it gets activated, if an enemy dies on it. In this case the trigger for the object gets adjusted to “switch”. The trigger should be applied over the hole reach of action of the enemy, so that the trigger gets activated in any case.
This trigger can activate and deactivate objects. Doors can be opened as well as get closed, or fires can get lighted or quenched.
This trigger type works with key holes or puzzle holes. It gets activated when a key is used or a puzzle item is inserted. All other triggers get staked on it. It can only activate objects.
This trigger type gets activated, if an item on the same square is collected. Thereto the trigger of the item must get adjusted to this trigger type. In the object menu of the item the number 64 must get typed in or added to the existing number. All other triggers get staked on it. This trigger type can only activate objects.
This trigger type cannot get activated by Lara. However, it can get activated by almost everything else. It gets activated, if a shatter objects gets shot, if a pushable is placed on it, if an enemy is directed by an AI-object over it, if a rollingball rolls over it, if Lara drives with a vehicle over it, or if a flyby-camera flies over it. This trigger type can only activate objects.
This trigger works similar to the “pad”. This trigger type can only deactivate objects, for example closing doors or quenching fires.
This trigger gets activated like a normal trigger, but not unless Lara has drawn any weapon. This trigger type can only activate objects.
The “dummy” is a spezial type of trigger. It does not activate anything, but it is necessary for Lara to be able to stand on certain objects, all bride-objects for example. The dummy for the bridge must be placed underneath it on the floor.
It get activated like the “trigger”, but it can only deactivate objects.
This trigger type gets activated only by pushables. It is necessary, if a trigger should get activated only by a certain pushable. Therefor only one codebit has to be activated for the trigger. The same codebit has to be activated on the associated pushable, and furthermore this number must be entered into the input field. Like the “switch” this trigger type can activate and deactivate objects.
It works like the “heavy” trigger, but it can only deactivate objects.
This trigger type only gets activated, if Lara “monkeys” on the ceiling.

2. Codebits


Left: The object menu. It opens, when you select an object and then press the "O"-Key at your keyboard. On the top are the five codebits. Right: The trigger menu. It opens, when you click into the white area next to the violett trigger button. Here the codebits are at the bottom.

Codebits are small buttons with numbers from 1 to 5, which are present in the trigger menu and the object menu. You can use them, if you want to split an action on more than one trigger, such as opening a door by using two keys or three switches. But even more complex things can get realised.

For this purpose you have to understand the logic behind the codebits. Normally it seems that a trigger activates an object. Actually the fact of the matter is that on every object there are five small “switches” that can be activated separately. Those “switches” are the codebits. Only if all five are activated, the object gets activated. If you simply place a trigger, no codebits of the objects are active. The trigger activates all five simultaneously. An enemy starts to run, a fire gets lighted and so on.

However, you can directly activate the codebits of the objects in the object menu (OCB) by clicking on the numbers, which will then turn black. And you can deactivate the numbers in the trigger menu (which will turn grey), so only certain “switches” get activated. But it is still necessary that all five get activated, so the object get activated.

Object menuTrigger menu;

Left: Inside the object menu codebit 4 is activated. Right: Inside the trigger menu codebit 4 is deactivated.

Now try it. Activate on a flame emitter in the OCB the number 4. In the game it will look like this: “Switch” 4 of the flame emitter is already active if the level starts. The other four will get activated by the switch. In the end all five are active, so the fire starts to burn. On a flame emitter, whose code bit is not activated, a trigger with active codebits 1,2,3 and 5 will do nothing.

Any desired codebits can get activated on an objects. And others can get activated by triggers or get deactivated again. As a result many different combinations for many different situations are possible.

Now you have to consider, that different trigger types react differently on already active codebits. Trigger, Pad, Heavy, Key, Pickup, Combat, Monkey can only activate. Inactive codebits get activated, active codebits stay active. Antitrigger, Antipad and Antiheavytrigger can only deactivate. Already active codebits get deactivated, active codebits are unaffected. Switch and Heavyswitch are a bit inconstant. Inactive codebits get activated, but active codebits get deactivated.

2.1. Activate something by several triggers

So what can you do with it? Well, the easiest thing is to activate an object by several triggers, for example opening a door. Depending on the situation all triggers without “anti-” in the name come into question. Those only have to activate different codebits of the object, so all five are active, when the player has activated all triggers on the game. It does not matter, how you distribute them.

Just a few examples:

  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: none activated
    Trigger: 2, at KEY_HOLE1 and KEY_HOLE2
  • Keyhole 1
    Object: KEY_HOLE1
    Codebits: none activated
    Trigger: 1, at the floor
  • Keyhole 2
    Objekt: KEY_HOLE2
    Codebits: none activated
    Trigger: 1, at the floor
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Key
    Codebits: 1 and 2
    Targets: KEY_HOLE1 and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Key
    Codebits: 3, 4 and 5
    Targets: KEY_HOLE2 and DOOR_TYPE1

Two Keys open the door together.

  • You want to open a door with two keys. Dann setzt man zwei Key-Trigger. You have to place two key triggers. You activate only the number 1 at the first trigger and number 2 at the other one. The other three (3,4 and 5) ones have to be activated directly at the door.
    When both keys got used, they activated the missing codebits of the door and it will open. You can also activate the code bits 1 to 3 at one key trigger and 4 and 5 at the other one. This way you do not need to activate any codebit at the door. This way the door will open as well. There are even more variants possible to get the same result. This is up to you. So try different possibilities.
    • Raising-block
      Object: RAISING_BLOCK1
      Codebits: none activated
      Trigger: 3, under the three vases
    • Trigger A
      Triggertype: Heavy
      Codebits: 1 and 2
      Targets: RAISING_BLOCK1
    • Trigger B
      Triggertype: Heavy
      Codebits: 3
      Targets: RAISING_BLOCK1
    • Trigger C
      Triggertype: Heavy
      Codebits: 4 and 5
      Targets: RAISING_BLOCK1
    • Vase
      Object: SHATTER0
    • Vases
      Object: SHATTER0
    • Vase
      Object: SHATTER0

    When the three vases will shoot, the raising-block expands.

  • A Raising-Block is going to be lifted when one shoots three vases. You have to place three heavy triggers under reach of the vases. Activate codebits 1 and 2 at the first one, number 3 at the second one and 4 and 5 at the third. By doing this the raising block will only lift if you shoot all three vases. Different variants are possible here, too.

If you want to activate something by five different triggers you do not have many possibilities left. You can only active one codebit at each trigger. The principle is still the same.

It is getting more difficult if you want to activate something by five different triggetypes or if you want to deactivate something by several triggers. Both things are only possible with the help of a little trick. More about that will follow later.

2.2. Avoid something by a trigger

  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: 4 and 5
    Trigger: 4, under both levers and both vases
  • Lever 1
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever 2
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Heavyantitrigger
    Codebits: 4
    Targets: DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 1 and 2
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1 and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger C
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 3
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1 and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger D
    Triggertype: Heavyantitrigger
    Codebits: 5
    Targets: DOOR_TYPE1
  • Vase
    Objekt: SHATTER0
  • Vase
    Objekt: SHATTER0

If one of the vases gets shoot the Door will not open anymore.

Is everything clear so far? Then we will make things a bit more complicated. Let us assume that one does not only want to activate something by several triggers but also want certain events to avoid the activation. For the second part you need an antitrigger, of course. Example: A door should open by pulling two levers. However it should not open, if two vases were shot. It is obvious one has to use switchtrigger for the levers and heavyantitriggers for the vases. But how do you adjust the codebits?

Well, one could get the idea to activate codebits 1 and 2 and 3 to 5 at the two switchtriggers, because this will open the door, and to activate 1 and 2 and 3,4,5 at the heavyantitriggers to reset the codebits. But it will not work that way. We have to rememeber how different triggers react on codebits. All kind of antitriggers are switching codebits only off, if thr codebits are not switched from beginning, nothing will happen. With these adjustments the player could shoot the vases before pulling the levers, and the door would open anyway. The door would only close, if the player pulls the levers first and shoots the objects afterwards.

If you want to avoid the door to open in any case, you have to change your tactics. You have to make sure, that the codebits are already active, when the vases are shot, because only in this case the heavyantitrigger will change something at the object! So activate two codebits at the door. Let us take number 4 and 5. One of the heavyantitrigger deactivates number 3 and the other one number 5. The levers get adjusted to activate codebits 1,2 and 3. Now the door opens only if both levers are pulled but none of the two objects is shot.

In a nutshell you can say, that each of the triggers, which are avoiding the activation of an object, is needing a codebit of its own at the object. Thus an object can be activated by maximum four different triggers. However, trigger, heavyantirtrigger and antipad can share a codebit for deactivating, if only one “forbitten” trigger should avoid the activation of the object.

One should consider that locking the activation of a trigger cannot be undone, since antriggers can only deactivate objects. Thus one should make sure that the activation of the object is not necessary to end the level, or that there is an alternative way.

But what about deactivating an object that is already active by several triggers?
What about deactivating something, if the player picks up an object…since there is no antipickuptrigger?
All this is possible. But you need to know another trick.

2.3. Activating all codebits

all codebits are activated

When all codebits are activated as here, the door opens already at the level start.

Normally you have the possibility to activate an object by many different kind of triggers and the same goes for deactivating it. If you activate all 5 codebits for an object inside its object menu, something interesting will happen. First of all, you will realize that the object is activated already when you start your level and secondly you can see, that the logic for triggering is somehow reversed. That means the normal triggers are now able to deactivate the object instead of activating it. This works also for all special triggers which have no antitriggered partner.

If you will activate the object instead with an antitrigger you will come back to the old logic, where everything is triggered in the well-known, normal way. That means an antitrigger deactivates the object if it wasn’t deactivated by a normal trigger before. If that happened the object remains inactive. Every triggers which have been activated by the player are working in the normal way and activate the object.

This feature can cause some problems, but it can also be very helpful.

To activate all codebits from beginning is working with all non-statics but it doesn’t work with enemies! You can activate a part of the codebits of an enemy, but never all, because the level is going to crash instead of loading, if you want to start it.

First of all, activating all codebits from beginning can be helpful if an object should be activated at the beginning of a level. For example if you need a burning fire/flame from beginning, or spikes in an activated position or a door already being opened.

This feature might be not to useful if the door has a trigger and an antitrigger somewhere else in the game. The trigger would close the already opend door (like suggested), but the antitrigger would only open the door again if the player restands on the trigger and then the antitrigger - so in that way it works not properly. No problem is appearing if you use it with “switch”-triggers that are used with any kind of swichtes and levers.: using the switch/lever the first time will close that door and using it the second time will open it back again.This feature can also be used in a very tricky kind of way.

Use it if you want to deactivate something that normaly doesn’t have any kind of antitriggered partner. That can be pick-up, key, monkey and combattriggers. That means now you are able to close doors with that kind of actions, like turning off a fire, when using mokeybars or by taking out lara’s weapon of its holsters.

  • Fire
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: 1, under the Pickup
  • Trigger
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: all
  • Pickup
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64

When all codebits are activated at the Flame_Emitter, the fire burns already at the level start. It can be turned off by pickup the item.

If you need a fire to turn off as soon as the player picks up an item, then you must activate all codebits of the flame_emitter and simply create a pick-up trigger, in the way it could normaly (only) lit the fire.

Secondly, you can use that option to let something being deactivated by more than one trigger. Normally closing a door will be done only with one antitrigger, but with activating it from beginning with codebits you can use up to 5 triggers (each with one different codebit activated) before the door will close.

Thirdly you are now able to activate and deactivate something at the same time. If you want to turn off a fire and in the same time another one should lit up, you can do it without any problem now. The fire turning-off gets activated all codebits and then you place the trigger of both flame-emitters on the same square. If now triggered, the first one turns off, the second one lits up.

Of course you can combine all three variants. For example: You have hidden five secrets in you level and you want the regular door to finish the level to close and another alternative way to open if the player picks up all five secrets. The door leading to the regular ending way has activated all codebits from beginning, so it is opened from beginning. You create normal “pick-up”-triggers for all your 5 secrets with each having one different codebit activated. On the top of them you place now triggers both doors. And voliá: First door will close and the second one opens. This would’t be possible without the small trick, very useful, nor?

2.4. Switch Combinations

Thus, we have already covered how to activate and deactivate something simultaneously, also using multiple triggers, but there is a special variant of this which works a little differently. It is exclusively based on the use of the one type of trigger which is equipped to both activate and deactivate: The Switch Trigger. This type of trigger only works with all kinds of switches.

Switch puzzle
The switch puzzle from "Palace Midas" in Tomb Raider 1

To be exact, the purpose of this is building a specific switch puzzle which some probably know from TR1. In the level "Palace Midas", there was a place with five switches placed next to each other and a number of doors, each of which would only open if a certain combination of switches was activated. In other words, one had to activate some switches and avoid activating others in order to open one of the doors. To open another door, one had to activate other levers and deactivate some of the previously activated ones. With five switches, there are 31 possible combinations, not counting the starting position in which all levers are inactive. It is possible to build a puzzle just like that; one is even free to choose the combinations. It is also possible to use less than five levers.

  • Lever A
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever B
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever C
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever D
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever E
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 1
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 2
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1
  • Trigger C
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 3
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1
  • Trigger D
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 4
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1
  • Trigger E
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 5
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1

The five levers with their Triggers.

First, one needs adequate switches; it is important to keep in mind to use ones that can be activated and deactivated by the player. There are some switches which can be pushed into a wall but cannot be pulled out again; these are unsuitable, as are jumpswitches and switches that have to be shot.

After selecting suitable switches, the next step is placing them in the level. They need not necessarily be placed right next to each other - it is also possible to place them further apart. It is, however, recommended not to place them too far apart in order to save the player the trouble of going long ways to get from switch to switch. One should use at least three if this is to make any sense, but it is not possible to use more than five. Then, one places the obligatory “switch”-triggers for all of them. In doing so, a different codebit needs to be activated for each switch so that each codebit is assigned to one of the switches. If one uses five switches, one has to activate one codebit for each switch, a different one for each of the five. If one uses less than that, it is necessary to activate a correspondingly higher number of codebits for one of the switches.

Door 1Door 2

Left: This door opens, if the levers A, B and D are pulled. Right: This door opens sich, if the levers C and D are pulled.

Next, one places the doors. In theory, one can use as many doors as there are combinations for the number of switches used. In the case of three switches, one could use seven doors; four switches, fifteen doors; five switches, 31 doors. To make it more difficult, however, one should, at most, use half as many doors as possible to ensure that there are enough combinations which will let all doors remain closed. For every door, one places a trigger under each of the switches. If one were to pull all the triggers now, all doors would open, so how is it one sets the combinations that open the different doors?

This is, again, done with codebits; that is, the codebits of the doors themselves. In the object menu of each door, one activates the codebits corresponding to the switches which are NOT to be activated if the door is to open.

An example: There are five switches, A through E; codebit #1 is assigned to A’s trigger, codebit #2 is assigned to the trigger of B, and so on. If one now wants a door to open when A, B and D are activated while C and E are not, one correspondingly activates the door’s codebits #3 and #5. If another door is supposed to open if C and D are activated, one need only activate codebits #1, #2 and #5. It’s actually fairly easy, isn’t it?

3. The Trigger Triggerer

Der T-Button

There is the T-button.

The trigger triggerer (TT) is a special object which temporarily blocks triggers. The basics are explained in the manual, but in order to provide a better understanding, here’s a brief introduction:

First, the trigger in question needs to be blocked. For that purpose there’s a T-button which is situated directly above the purple trigger button and below the green climb buttons. First, mark the trigger and then click the T-button. The trigger should now be surrounded by a blue square which indicates that the trigger can’t be activated directly. Now the Trigger Triggerer comes into play, a nullmesh object which should be part of every WAD. Place it on the trigger.

If a trigger covers more than one square you have to place a TT on every single of them.

Then you just have to place a trigger for the TT. When it is activated, the blocked triggers are unblocked. If you want to reblock the squares, use an antitrigger for the TT.

Again, you can click all the Object Codebits of the TT if you want to invert its function. If you do this, the trigger is "hot" at the beginning of the game and gets blocked once the TT is triggered by a Trigger or an Antitrigger.
Now, let’s have a look at what this can be used for.

3.1. Activating triggers in a particular order

The main use of the TT is to trigger different triggers in a particular order. For example: The player is supposed to collect a certain artifact at the end of a corridor filled with traps. The easiest way is of course to place the triggers for the traps in this corridor so that the player has to make his way through them and can pick up the artifact as a reward. But why not set things up in another way? Imagine this scenario: You sneak through the corridor, dramatic music is played and you see all and the sparkling sharp blades but none of them are activated. With a pounding heart you arrive at the end of this corridor and pick up the artifact. Nothing happens, you feel relieved and want to return to the entrance of the corridor and then BAM - one of the traps hits you. Wouldn’t this be a lot more thrilling?

  • Trigger
    Triggertype: Pad
    Codebits: all
    Targets: DOOR_TYPE1
  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: keine aktivieren
    Trigger: 1, in front
  • Trigger Triggerer
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: arbitrary
  • Planview
    A detail of the planview. Only here you can see the blue border around the trigger square.

This Door can open, when Lara stand in front of it, but only after the TT get activated.

That’s one of the situations in which you need the TT. Place triggers for the traps in the corridor and keep in mind that they will be activated on the way back. Then block them with the T-button and place the TTs on every trigger square. The trigger for the TTs needs to be placed as a pickup trigger under the artifact. That’s it.

Another example: One wants a door to open once the player stands in front of it. However, this is supposed to happen only if a special mechanism which is connected to the door was activated before. For example: A cogwheel has to be placed, the waterway has to be changed so that it can activate a waterwheel… To do this, you have to create a trigger for the door and block it with the TT. The trigger for the TT now needs to be placed where the mechanism is activated.

With a bit of imagination many other uses will cross your mind. You can create dynamic puzzles with the TT and give your level that certain something.

3.2. Preventing something using multiple triggers

We’ve already learned how multiple triggers can activate something (codebits) and how something can be prevented by one trigger. But with the TT it’s also possible to prevent something using multiple triggers.

An example: The player enters a treasure room and finds 4 relics or items in there and on the wall you can read: “The greedy shall be punished”. Later in the level there is a door leading to a secret room which can be opened by pressing three switches. However it is intended to remain closed if the player was greedy and took all the items in the treasure room.

  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 3, under all levers
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 1
    Targets: LEVEL_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 2
    Targets: LEVEL_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger C
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 3, 4 and 5
    Targets: LEVEL_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger D
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 1
  • Trigger E
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 2
  • Trigger F
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 3
  • Trigger G
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 4 and 5
  • Leverswitch A
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Leverswitch B
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Leverswitch C
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Trigger Triggerer A
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: under all pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer B
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: under all pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer C
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: under all pickup-items
  • Pickup A
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup B
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup C
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup D
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath

This door opens, when all three levers are pulled. But not, if all items picked up previously.

Using Codebits you can only achieve that the door remains closed once the player took any item in the treasure room. With the TT it’s possible to block the door only if all of the 4 items were taken: To do this simply place the three switches and triggers for the door. Now block each trigger square with the T-button and place a TT on every square. Click on these TT and activate all codebits so that the door trigger is "hot" in the beginning and is only blocked if the 3 TT are triggered. The TTs are triggered by pickup triggers under the four items. Keep in mind that you have to assign codebits so that the TTs are only triggered if the player has taken all the pickups. You have to place one trigger for each TT under each item so that 3 triggers (one for each TT) are placed under each item.

There are many other possible uses but the basics are always the same: First place triggers which are to be activated by the player (at most, 5 are possible) then block them with the T-button (this is important. Just placing a TT will do nothing) and afterwards place a TT where all the 5 codebits are activated on each blocked trigger square. Finally, place between 1 and 5 triggers for each TT on the square(s) from which you want an event to be prevented.

3.3. Activating something with a certain amount of triggers

Normally it is defined whether a trigger is to be activated or not. But it is also possible to activate an object after a certain amount of triggers, no matter which, have been triggered.

Some examples:

  • In a temple, there are 4 chambers and each chamber holds one special task. However, the door leading to the main room will open once three of the tasks were solved. This way, each player can skip the task he finds most difficult.
  • A trap is supposed to be activated if 3 out of 5 treasures in a treasure room where taken.
  • A slight variation of the example in 3.2: The door is to remain closed once 3 of the 4 pickups were taken.
  • A door is to open if only 4 of the 5 torches next to the door are lit.

These things are also possible with the TT using a simple trick. Place more than one TT on a blocked square. This way the square will be unblocked even if just one of the TTs was activated. As this trick uses the TT, nothing can be triggered directly, but a trigger can be unblocked. You have to place more than one TT on the same square as each of them is activated by a different combination of triggers.

  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, under the switch
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: all
    Targets: SWITCH_TYPE1 and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Switch
    Object: SWITCH_TYPE2
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Trigger Triggerer A
    Codebits: 1 and 5
    Trigger: at all of the four challenges
  • Trigger Triggerer B
    Codebits: 2 and 5
    Trigger: at all of the four challenges
  • Trigger Triggerer C
    Codebits: 3 and 5
    Trigger: by all of the four challenges
  • Trigger Triggerer D
    Codebits: 4 and 5
    Trigger: by all of the four challenges
  • challenges 4x
    The 4 challenges, Lara should master. Here demonstrate by a wall switch.
    What challenges Lara should master, that can anyone decide by itself. Importend is, that challange activate another codebit. One times the 1, one times the 2, one times the 3 and one times the 4.
    Than the trigger for all TTs had to stack at these triggers.

The door opens if at least 3 out of 4 challenges are finished.

But let’s take a look at the 4 given examples: The first one is pretty easy: You activate the door with a switch nearby and block the trigger with the T-button. Then place the TT. The count of different combinations defines how many TTs are needed. In this case it’s 3 out of 4, so 4 different combinations of tasks are possible and you have to place 4 TTs. If it were 2 out of 4 there would be 6 different combinations, thus 6 TTs would be necessary.

By mastering each of the tasks triggers for each TT get activated. Since there are only 4 tasks, you have to activate the missing codebit 5 on every TT. If there were 5 tasks, you could skip this. Afterwards, you’ll have to activate an additional codebit for each TT, not using the same codebit twice. You should end up with 4 TTs with the following codebits:

  • TT(a) : 1___5
  • TT(b) : _2__5
  • TT(c) : __3_5
  • TT(d) : ___45

TT(a) is activated if tasks 2, 3 and 4 are completed, TT(b) if tasks 1, 3 and 4 are completed, TT(c) if tasks 1,2,4 are completed and TT(d) if tasks 2, 3, 4 are completed.

No matter which of the tasks are solved, if three of them are solved, the switch opens the door. The player could also solve the fourth task but this wouldn’t change anything.

The second example works quite similarly but with 3 out of 5 there are 10 different combinations and the problem is that a trap should be activated instantly and not after a switch is pulled. However there are 2 ways of creating such an effect:

1st: You have not just one but 10 traps and all of them are in the same spot. Instead of using different TTs, the traps are activated directly if a treasure is taken, and the codebits are activated directly for the traps and not for TTs. This way each treasure activates a different codebit (1-5) so that there aren’t any codebits that need to be activated on every trap. On the traps you have to activate the codebits so that they get activated by all the different combinations of 3 out of 5. These are the following: 1&2, 1&3, 1&4, 1&5, 2&3, 2&4, 2&5, 3&4, 3&5, 4&5.

2nd: You can trigger it indirectly with a rollingball. See also the next chapter! You have to create a new room with a heavytrigger for the trap. On top of this heavytrigger 10 rollingballs are placed and the codebits of each rollingball are the same as above. This way each treasure triggers each rollingball and once three treasures were taken one of the rollingballs gets activated.

  • Door
    Object: DOOR_TYPE1
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 3, under the three levers
  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 1
    Targets: LEVER_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 2
    Targets: LEVER_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger C
    Triggertype: Switch
    Codebits: 3, 4 and 5
    Targets: LEVER_SWITCH and DOOR_TYPE1
  • Trigger D
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 1
  • Trigger E
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 2
  • Trigger F
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 3
  • Trigger G
    Triggertype: Pickup
    Codebits: 4
  • Lever A
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever B
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Lever C
    Object: LEVER_SWITCH
    Codebits: none
    Trigger: 1, beneath
  • Trigger Triggerer A1
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer A2
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer A3
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer A4
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer B1
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer B2
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer B3
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer B4
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer C1
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer C2
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer C3
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Trigger Triggerer C4
    Codebits: all
    Trigger: under all four pickup-items
  • Pickup A
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup B
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup C
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath
  • Pickup D
    Object: PICKUP_ITEM1
    OCB-Code: 64
    Trigger: beneath

The door opens, when three levers are used, but only then, when less than three of the four pickup-items are picked up.

In the third example, you have to place 4 TTs on every trigger that opens the door and activate all 5 codebits on each of them. This way the triggers are all "hot" at the beginning. Again each item triggers each TT, each a different codebit. Now it is naturally impossible to set different codebits for the triggers. For this purpose,you will have to use additional triggers for each TT which activate the corresponding codebits. Example #1 shows which ones you need.

  • Trigger A
    Triggertype: Trigger
    Codebits: 1 and 5
    Targets: TRIGGER TRIGGERER A1, B1, C1
  • Trigger B
    Triggertype: Trigger
    Codebits: 2 and 5
    Targets: TRIGGER TRIGGERER A2, B2, C2
  • Trigger C
    Triggertype: Trigger
    Codebits: 3 and 5
    Targets: TRIGGER TRIGGERER A2, B2, C2
  • Trigger D
    Triggertype: Trigger
    Codebits: 4 and 5
    Targets: TRIGGER TRIGGERER A3, B3, C3

Such a cooridor fits well to activate the missing codebits.

The fourth example is also quite similar to the first one, again there’s a door that you want to be opened. Instead of a switch, you could also place a simple trigger in front of the door which is blocked by TTs.

If it’s a double door and accordingly a bigger trigger in front of it you have to place all the TTs on each trigger square. All instructions for one TT would then be valid for a pair of TTs placed on different squares, but with the same triggers and codebits.

With 4 out of 5 torches, there are 5 possible combinations so 5 TTs are placed. On each TT, a different codebit is activated. Below the torches you have to place heavytriggers for each TT. And again on each Heavytrigger a different codebit is activated.

However, the trigger for the door is to be unblocked only if EXACTLY 4 torches are lit. So we have to place another TT on the trigger for the door where all 5 codebits are activated. This TT also needs to be triggered on every heavytrigger. If every torch is lit it gets activated and reblocks the trigger for the door.


And then in part two we learn what great things you can do with a rolling boulder and how to stack trigger proper…

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Tomb Raider und Lara Croft sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Eidos Interactive Limited.