after taking the batteries and the fire extinguisher
i cant get out from that room
i have combined the hello kitty back massager with batteries and tried it various places
nach der Einnahme der Batterien und der Feuerlöscher
i cant get aus dem Raum
Ich habe das Hallo Kitty Rückenmassage mit Batterien kombiniert und ausprobiert verschiedenen Orten
That's weird. You had to open the double doors in front of you earlier in the game to get to the fire extinguisher.
I don' know how it is possible that they are closed again.
vimmers: It seems that you found a shortcut to the roof and thus to the texture. Normally you need to get the fire-extinguisher before getting the texture and if you do so, that door will be open, when you come back with the batteries.
Maybe reload an earlier savegame, before placing the texture and make sure that you open the door from the other side (it's right next to the kitchen)