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Special Forces model

Special Forces Urban

(1,00 MB)

The Special Forces-Lara from Tomb Raider Legend alone would be boring, right?
Excalibur + specials
With this package you can create a nice adventure with finding the Excalibur pieces.
Killing enemies with Excalibur as a weapon. You can also give your level a nice touch if you can finish it with an Excalibur teleportation!

Excalibur puzzle items

(197 KB)
Excalibur teleport items with setup

The Excalibur teleport works similar to the one in Tomb Raider Legend. Lara needs to place the Excalibur to activate the device.
After that she can activate the five stones. Lara is now able to touch (pull out) the Excalibur again to teleport herself to the next level.
(1,46 MB)
(Project with playable folder / 21,3 MB)

Lara's diary

I also included this diary (yeti and stone page) because I find it really cute.
(117 KB)

Attention, please be careful while playing with the portal. Christmas trees and even family members and friends might disappear.