Gift from Soul |
2 years ago already I have announced them, and today here is at least a part of it - HQ China textures.
The guys and gals did quite an awesome job back in 1998 and really weren't sparing with complex structures, shapes and colours. That's why the intent to get it all done until the calendar 2012 soon became desperation and later even resignation... ("I'll never get this done!"). The new calendar (or rather "The gift giving") however, brought new motivation, so I decided to open GIMP again and can finally show you the first few fruits of my labour. The second part will be released on TRForge over the year 2014. Until then you can use the old textures for building and simply replace them later. Happy building! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas from SoulA personal gift from Julian aka Soul. The busy student has the liability to sneaky level parts and can do great HQ textures. :D