7 superfluous things
from Tomb Raider IV
We of TRForge have put the HR-caps on and have rated on time towards the end of the year 7 things of Tomb Raider (not meant to be taken that seriously).
Shows basically in the wrong direction.
- Handiness:
- Design:
- Operation:
- Navigation:
- Accuracy:
Conclusion: geographically completely unnecessary service.
Magnesium flare
Its existence mislead builders again and again to make their levels too much dark. Lights also so greenish.
- Handiness:
- Water resistance:
- Color:
- Brightness:
- Burn time:
Conclusion: wannabe-lighting specialist who drives level builders and testers into madness.
Explodes always easy when Lara drives it into the water. Through sidecar not agile.
- Speed:
- Offroad ability:
- Design:
- Maneuverability:
- Water resistance:
Conclusion: obtrusive complainer who finds everything too closely.
Shoots or stabs straight on, immediately when Lara comes near. Can perform a roll and probably karate or something.
- Fitness:
- Reflexes:
- Manners:
- Courtesy:
- Style:
Conclusion: choleric weapon fetishist with obsolete clothing style.
Although a powerful thud, its ammunition reserve behaves exactly diametrically opposed to the frequency of sand by the sea.
- Power:
- Recoil:
- Range:
- Cadence:
- Ammunition appearance:
Conclusion: offish shooter guy (or rather girl).
Always hangs somewhere around, so it does guaranteed not been found by Lara on first try.
- Usefulness::
- Design:
- Usability :
- Accessibility:
- Visibility:
Conclusion: bleak event manager who could finally participate actively in the events.
Usally starts to roll, when it is just totally not needed by Lara.
- Weight:
- Place requirement:
- Speed:
- Visibility:
- Usefulness:
Conclusion: nasty spike guy, who finally needes to seek a useful task.
If you want to publish this text or parts of it elsewere, please ask gabiza for permission previously!
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