Wieder einmal haben wir viele fantastische Einsendungen zu unserem Adventscontest zugeschickt bekommen - die besten werden hier nun gewürdigt. Just as last year we received a great amount of fantastic contributions for the advent calendar contest - the best ones we'd like to honour here. Tag 2 + 4 / Day 2 + 4 DJ Full "Croft Manor (HEAVILY BURNT DEBRIS, like in Underworld)" Matie "Unfortunately I don't think I'll have time for that, but thank you anyway! The gingerbread house is done however, since there are recipes for glutenfree gingerbread dough :) It's definitely not the best for making houses of it as it turned out (plus I can barely cook anything, I'm happy if I can boil an egg properly o.o ), one of the pieces for the roof immediately broke in two just after baking - I glued it together with the frosting, which I had to do again about three more times until I managed to put the roof on its place hehe. And the pieces got quite thick as well, putting it together was very tricky in the end :p I finished it yesterday towards midnight, it was meant to be the manor - well, a more simple version -, but I only managed to squeeze some of the windows, a door and the 'columns' in the front on it." Tag 6 / Day 6 Matie mateusztr8 Roli Tag 7 / Day 7 Matie Roli AODfan AODfan hat uns sogar seinen Raum als Level zugeschickt, damit wir ihn selbst auskundschaften können. AODfan even sent us a tiny level to explore his Tinnos-room by ourselves. Tag 8 / Day 8 Dinotom DJ Full Tag 11 / Day 11 Matie Roli Suikaze Raider Tag 12 / Day 12 DJ Full Matie Roli Suikaze Raider Tag 14 / Day 14 Roli Tag 16 / Day 16 Matie Roli Tag 17 / Day 17 Roli Tag 18 / Day 18 Wir vermuteten, dass niemand mitmachen würde, doch Matie, Roli und mateusztr8 haben sich tatsächlich getraut. Vielen Dank für Euren Mut! Und hey, so schlimm wie ihr sagtet, war es nicht. =) We believed nobobdy would take part in, but Matie, Roli and mateusztr8 really had the heart to do it! Thank you so much for your courage! And hey, it wasn't that bad like you said. =) Tag 19 / Day 19 Roli Eelkemama Spiddle Tag 20 / Day 20 DJ Full Matie Roli Tag 22 / Day 22 » DJ Fulls Gedicht / DJ Full's poem » Maties Gedicht mit Bildern / Matie's poem with pictures (.pdf) » Rolis Gedicht mit Bildern / Roli's poem with pictures Quiz-Tage / Quiz days Vielen Dank auch an die vielen Quizteilnehmer! Seid nicht zu sehr enttäuscht, wenn Ihr nicht 100% richtige Antworten hattet - Ihr wart nicht allein! Beim Physikquiz hat es übrigens niemand geschafft, die 100%-Marke zu knacken. ;) Many thanks go to the many participants! Don't be disappointed if you didn't get 100% right answers - you were not alone! By the way, at the physics quiz nobody got the 100%. ;) Die Durchschnittswerte: Physik-Quiz (Tag 5) 26,3% richtig; TR-Quiz (Tag 10) 60,9% richtig. The average peaks: physics quiz (day 5) 26.3% correct; TR quiz (day 10) 60.9% correct. Die richtigen Antworten sind jetzt öffentlich, schaut doch mal nach! The right answers are public now, take a look!