TRForge Adventskalender


Wieder einmal haben wir viele fantastische Einsendungen zu unserem Adventscontest zugeschickt bekommen - die besten werden hier nun gewürdigt.

Just as last year we received a great amount of fantastic contributions for the advent calendar contest - the best ones we'd like to honour here.

Tag 4 / Day 4

Marcelo Porto

Tag 6 / Day 6


Tag 7 / Day 7

Gewinner Petry war der Einzige von insgesamt 115 Teilnehmern, der alle Fragen richtig beantwortet hat! Für die Neugierigen unter uns, sind in Tür 7 alle richtigen Antwort markiert.

Winner Petry was the only one of a total of 115 participant who guess right all questions! For our nosy persons, now you can find all right answers in wicket 7.

Tag 8 / Day 8

"Stör dich nicht an den Farben, die hat einfach ne Macke und normal ist langweilig. ;)"


Tag 9 / Day 9

DJ Full

Making Mozartkugeln (day 9), I had a true live raid: each artifact (marzipan, pistachios, chocolate) was discovered in different shop, in different location of the city, and I got to each of these places by different transport - a tram, a bike, on foot... That was ridiculous, but I found most of the ingredients.

However, the last of them was a massacre. I couldn't find any nougat, because there is simply NO pure nougat in the city I live in.

Asked for nougat, a shop-assistant replied: "What's this". Somewhere else, another hostess gave me some hope: "Yes, we have nougat!" only to show me chicken nuggets. Finally, after checking 10 shops and travelling over 20 kilometres throghout the whole city, all I found was a nut-chocolate cream made of nougat in 13 per cent only. So I consider this last nougat "artifact" a secret, too hard to discover by anyone.

Distance travelled: 20600 m
Ammo used: 0
Health Packs used: 0
Secrets found: 0,13/1

We have a Christmas party today, so there is no time to wait for the walkthru, possibly revealing nougat whereabouts - thus, I'm gonna replace this ingredient with that nut-chocolate cream. At least it will have 13 percent of Mozartkugeln core. Have no other choice.


Tag 10 / Day 10

DJ Fulls Level "Follow the Ambush Guard"

Tag 12 / Day 12

DJ Full


Tag 13 / Day 13

DJ Full


Tag 14 / Day 14

DJ Full:

Dear Winston,
sorry about
the freezer.
should not follow
me to
every jumpswitch.
Warm christmas,

I'm REALLY not sure about the "jumpswitch" part. Also, if the deeper meaning of the message is about something more than the famous Croft Manor freezer Lara have unintentionally locked her everytime following butler in - sorry, but I just don't get it. If the deeper meaning is about some idiom or phrasal thing, my English is simply not good enough for me to understand this riddle. Thus, EPIC FAIL. I know I won't fully make this task, so I decided to send You what I deciphered.

TRForge-Team: die offizielle Lösung lautet:
TRForge team: the official solution is:
Dear Winston,
sorry about the fridge.
You should not follow me to every location.
Warm Christmas,
Lara Croft.

Tag 15 / Day 15

DJ Fulls Benzinlevel
DJ Full's gasoline level

Tag 16 / Day 16

DJ Full

Tag 17 / Day 17

DJ Full

Tag 20 / Day 20

DJ Full

Tag 21 / Day 21

DJ Full

Tag 22 / Day 22
