TRForge Adventskalender

The Train To Nowhere

by DJ Full & Elio

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Magic-Overlain Steampunk

This is what happens when a logical yet limit-unaware mind passes work to a limit explorer whose mind is total mess instead. While regular physics don't allow such connections to result good if at all, here in trle weird stuff daily happens... are we going anywhere?

Some ninjas took over a factory station train, they want the supplies for themselves.

Take over the station and the train supplies for yourself. It's Christmas, you need a gift!

- Contains 20 secrets, 4 easter... advent eggs and some dedicated design.
- Advent eggs don't count as secrets because of confusion or just one chance to get them.
- Warning! Honey content! May be harmful to undeveloped teeth of little children.
- * Oh there's some death as well but as much as help taken from other creatures.

(ZIP/115,5 MB)

Conceived by Elio (Lara's Boyfriend)
Concluded by Maciej (DJ Full)
Resourced by Nadine (Horus)
With work of these folks
Built in TRLE by Core Design, TRNG by Paolone, StrPix by Sapper, WadMerger by Michiel, metasequoia by O.Mizno
With advice of AkyV, Clara, Fluen, Psiko, Titak and whoever I forgot about
Betatested by TifaNazah and Bojrkraider