Memories „Tomb Story” Part 2
In a hidden corner a flashlight turns on. A stranger inspects the dark room, Larson, Lara, and her backpack. When Lara comes around later, the stranger kicks Lara and yells at her „Hey, why haven't you rescued me?” That voice sounds familiar to Lara; she realizes that this man is Pierre. „And who is this? Your hero in exchange?” says Pierre, pointing his pistol at Larson. In despair, Lara knees in front of the unconscious Larson and protects him: „Leave him alone! Uhm... I love him so much!” It's obvious that Larson is already awake at this moment, and he can't believe what he has just heard. Even though Pierre is threatening them, Larson takes the chance to flirt with Lara again; but Lara explains Larson why she said that and he gets mad at Pierre. Both start to fight, and Pierre hits Larson's face so hard that he is knocked over. Pierre starts to chase Lara. He kicks her to the ground and starts to bash her. „You'll be sorry!” are Lara's words in the next scene. Lara's wound on her arm bleeds again and Pierre feels sorry for her somehow... (He should really join an anger management group.)
As Lara wakes up, Pierre and Larson are hanging out peacefully and waiting for Lara to wake up again. Lara is confused and tired, and takes out her netbook (here it's called pocket PC) to write her butler a message - sure, WLAN IN THE FLOATING ISLANDS! Her butler answers quickly and the three look at the screen with big eyes, excited about this new technology. Later they chill a little bit, Lara trash-talks Pierre and Larson, who don't have anything else to do other than look at Playboys. To top it all off, Lara's shirt is torn. But Larson is so nice and lends Lara his undershirt.

Pierre has rearranged Larson's face...
Their initial friendship isn't really trustworthy. Pierre uses drugs to knock out Lara and Larson and kidnaps them - to his big estate in France! But is he really that bad? They wake up in a cozy bed and Pierre asks them to come to the dining room later. Lara is shocked that they are in France, though they were close to the Tibetan Queen.
After the warm meal, Pierre takes Lara to her room to talk to her. He yells at her: he wants the Tibetan queen right away. Pierre doesn't believe that Lara doesn't have it and starts again to pummel her (does this man have himself under control?). Larson hears the noise, wonders about it and goes to Lara's rescue. Lara reveals to Pierre that she was on the verge of finding the artifact, but now she is here and really needs to go back to the cave. Pierre is so kind-hearted (and rich) that they get a Porsche with a map and baggage so that they can drive back (LOL). After a little break they reach a city with a cruise ship and get out (geography and logic ftw...).

After Larson had wondered about who paid for and booked everything, and Lara had a hot shower in their room, they finally calm down in the evening. Compared to Lara, Larson isn't as tired and wants to „cuddle”; however, he loses interest after a flashback.

On their journey, they take the time to view the ship and afterwards chill outside on deck. In the meantime, Larson turns out to be a talented drawer (Jack Dawson says hello, OMG). Somehow Larson and Lara get sentimental, but soon the mood is messed up again as Larson flirts with any blonde girl who has lost her money on the ground. Is Lara jealous?

In the evening, Lara and Larson go to a disco. Larson pours himself a beer. Lara is rather bored later, until a guy grabs her from behind; he looks a lot like the skater from Tomb Raider 1, but also like a typical cool guy of the late 90s. Lara pushes him away and goes to her room to indulge in a shower and calm her nerves. She hears noises and gets annoyed. The guy has followed her to her room because she hasn't closed the door completely. He is very importunate and he doesn't give a shit about leaving the room - until the rat-arsed Larson enters the room. Out of desperation again, Lara introduces Larson as her boyfriend. Larson takes the chance and kisses Lara which causes him to leave the room disappointed (as if it would be so easy). Later in bed Lara tells him of her adventure and confides in Larson.

The next day the ship docks and they can leave (curiously they don't take the car with them, it's not theirs anyway!). Later, Lara pulls Larson into a dark alley to clear something with him. Lara bursts into tears and shows Larson that she only has the gold idol, but they need both artifacts for the „time travel”. Tears drop onto the gold idol - and it begins to glow! Suddenly they get pulled into it again and awake in Tibet again.

They find the cave, and even their snowmobile is there - and, much to their joy, so is the rotten guardian corpse. They walk the same way, over the floating platforms, the abyss, the winter garden... but this time Lara shoots the strange light in the room that almost froze them to death. In the dark, Lara touches a ladder that unfortunately turns out to be a big poisonous snake, which causes Lara to have weird visions.
When Larson coddles up to Lara and she awakes, they are relieved and can climb up the ladder. Lara can't believe her eyes, but the Tibetan queen is finally right in front of her. It is glowing beautifully, and Lara enjoys this moment.

After Lara holds it in her hands, it stops glowing... and the cave collapses! They cannot find an exit, until the Tibetan Queen begins to burn a hole through the cave wall, sweeping them out into the familiar snowy landscape. Suddenly Larson shows his true colors and attacks Lara. He wants the Tibetan queen right away...

...but he doesn't have the heart to kill Lara because during this time he has brought her into his heart (this is probably an understatement). Larson reveals that his client in Hamburg has promised him a lot of money for the Tibetan queen. Lara already has a plan...
Travelling through time using the artifacts, Lara and Larson reach China first, then Germany, just by thinking it. They appear in Germany... one hour away from Hamburg in a small town (where I just so happen to live!) In this town they go to a hotel, because the time travel by the artifacts doesn't work anymore. The next day they ride to the train station in a taxi so they can travel to Hamburg by train. When they arrive in Hamburg, Larson goes inside the building with the artifact and after a long conversation he finally gets his reward in an envelope. Shortly after that, Lara appears in the office of the client - dressed to kill as an office chick, she tries to make the client sweat. She begins to make the man nervous; oh dear, then her pen falls down too. He picks it up immediately, of course. Lara takes the chance to grab the Tibetan queen (which is lying on the table) and runs into a broom closet to change her clothes. As she arrives outside, both Lara and Larson are happy, because Lara has her artifact now and Larson his money!

Lara and Larson drive back to France via bus to arrive in England via the Channel Tunnel. In the bus, Lara reads in a little article that England is expecting Lara Croft's return. Lara's butler has even sent a car that they can drive home. „What are we doing at that wall now?” are Larson's last words as he is shocked at the sight of her estate.

In the remaining part of the Tomb Story, Lara and Larson have some crazy and meaningless fun at home, go shopping, and meet Lara's friend Sara. Lara satisfies Larson's need for cuddling... and in the end they party with Sara in a disco where Lara and Larson kiss (BEWARE, KITSCH!!!). „We are and will always be best friends!” Lara says as she hugs Larson. Welcome to the friend-zone.

The sequel
After I noticed that I had built up the „Tomb Story” over the years and without a plan, and with improvement visible from the beginning to the end, I wanted a sequel! In 2002 I drew the first picture for „Mother Of The Cistern” and I wrote some kind of script in advance. I wanted the presentation to be like a DVD with chapters, and overall just more comfortable. For some scenes I even used animations and videos; for example, for visions or for a sky in the background of a plane.

My room in 2003
If I only knew where the script was...

The chapter menu
The beginning of the story is similar to „Legend”. In Jordan, Lara meets an old schoolmate named Christine to visit a cistern. Christine thinks she sees a tourist attraction, while Lara discovers a secret cave and hopes to find an interesting new tomb. Unfortunately, the entrance collapses and both discover signs on the wall. A room opens, and inside is the artifact, the Mother of the Cistern. It stands on a podium.

Christine is attracted to its beauty and takes it into her hands. Suddenly she is like a different person and bitches at Lara, but then she has a vision and shortly after that she falls down to the ground, littered with burns. Lara catches the artifact just in time and she also sees the vision. It shows that a worldwide flooding is imminent if Lara doesn't find the counterpart of the artifact within few days...

Lara expected to be on vacation, but now she has to save the world again. She pronounces Christine dead and somehow she escapes the cave alone.

The story brings Lara to a snowy landscape again (where the counterpart of the artifact is). Also, Larson has to be in on it.
I've never really continued this story. Until now it „only” has 200 pictures. I guess I won't continue it; it was just too long ago.
I hope you had a little bit of nostalgic feelings while reading my sometimes-illogical and awkward story (hey, I was 13!), because the classic Tomb Raider games also meant a cozy Christmas season to me. It was such a beautiful time that I'll treasure forever.
It's the year 2007... wtf:
Here I achieved the height of my Lara collection.
Many many thanks to my dearest friend Mike, who helped me here.
If you want to publish this text or parts of it elsewere, please ask cybie for permission previously!
As every year there is also the TRForge advent calendar contest. Achieve the matching challenge to every calendar door and collect points, to get the chance to win a great prize in the end! You can find more infos here: contest, or you can click on Lara at the calendar page.