Lara ist immer viel unterwegs in aller Welt. Ständig stürzt sie sich von einem Abenteuer ins nächste.
Sie steigt auf die höchsten Berge, taucht hinab in die tiefsten Tiefen, durchquert heiße Wüsten und das ewige Eis der Arktis.
Sie kämpft sich durch wilden Dschungel und unheimliche Höhlen.
Oft bringt sie wertvolle Artefakte mit nach Hause. Doch geht es ihr wirklich nur darum? Reichtümer zu besitzen und zu sammeln?
Oder tut sie es doch wegen etwas anderem? Was treibt sie an?
Darüber singt Lara nun in diesem Song:
Lara is always on the go, everywhere in the world. She constantly falls herself from an adventure into the next.
She climb the highest mountains, dive down into the deepest depths, crossed hot deserts and the eternal ice of the Arctic.
She fights through wild jungle and uncanny caves.
Often she brings valuable artifacts with her home. But is that all she want? To possess and collect wealth?
Or are her actions rather about something else? What pushes her?
About this Lara sings now in this song:
Exploring The World
"Part of your world" from The Little Mermaid
(c) by The Walt Disney Company
composed by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman
Credits Music:
Tomb Raider 1 Theme
(c) by Square Enix
composed by Nathan McCree
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at these lair.
What does it hold?
How many secrets and treasures untold?
Looking around here you'd think,
But, she's got ev'rything!
I've got various items already.
I've got precious artefacts galore.
Even the Holy Grail
Found in an abbey.
But what now?
Is this all?
I want more!
I wanna be where no one has been.
I wanna see, wanna see lost places.
Exploring these sites and not - what do you call it?
Oh - rest!
Sitting around, you don't see so much.
Travel is needed for seeking, gleaning.
But still it don't make me - what's that word again?
I will still jump, I will still run
Research all the places under the sun
Wandering free - it's gonna be me.
Exploring the world.
How could I glare, into a cave - And then not raid it?
How could I stare, at a switch? And then not pull?
Sit in your chair, you can't be aware
The fun from a rolling ball behind you
Constant danger, for me not a stranger
That's what I want.
I want to know what the ancients knew.
Find their legacies and expose their secrets
That's a challenge that I do not - what's the word?
The unknown calls me,
The treat and the thrill.
I go, run and jump, I cannot stand still
That makes me free
That's what I be
Exploring the world.