TRForge Adventskalender

Why enemies just have no place in TR custom levels at Christmas time

von gabiza7 & cybie

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Bread (in the form of cookies) and games (in the TR scene mostly TR custom levels) boom at Christmas time. In virtual advent calendars, in the so-called "internet", are many TR Christmas levels. But some of them aren't very peaceful: instead of "help Santa pack up the presents and bake a cake in love, peace and harmony", Lara has to grapple with frustrating time runs and let stabs herself by suddenly springed up prickles. We are of the same mind: that's enough, up to here! We have to do something against this increasing antagonist-trend in TR Christmas levels. That's why we've collected four ways to create a very peaceful level at Christmas time.

1. Field your enemies in a positive way For example in the form of a snow tiger which could be transformed in a lovely companion for Lara. If you wonder why the tiger bites Lara's butt now and then, calm down: he just wanna play.

2. Don't be fooled by appearances Seemingly useful items could mutate to enemies. Since the TRForge advent calendar 2009 we met winged hammer and candy canes in Christmas levels which had bad intentions on Lara...

...even a sea snake was sighted.

3. Avoid time runs, traps and banana-jumps. Because: at Christmas time even Tomb Raider gamers bring down their circulatory system and turn into some kind of "coziness and peace rigor". Fast action and states of shock are unreasonable for the gamers, at least until 24th December where the newest shoot-'em-up is underneath the Christmas tree.

4. Don't field motorbikes as transportation in your levels. Maybe you could knock down cute enemy animals. It's better to hand reins of a horse to Lara.